Welcome To the EZWA Travel Premium Austria guide

Our Premium Austria guide offers a one of a kind holiday expierience of excusivity. only we offer a perfect holday completely assembled with our special working process.

Premium Austria Guide

This service is for you if you can answer one of the following questions with yes.

– Are you looking for a perfect everything taken care of holiday?

– Tailor made to your needs and interests?

– A personal guide to show you everything?

– Are you looking for the VIP experience?

With the premium Austria guide we offer an industry exclusive tailor made holiday
experience for you and friends or family.

Prices start at 12.000 USD 

How Do we go to work

Step 1:

book a call with your personal guide ( 200 USD) if decided to book our service this will be
taken off your final quote. In the call we will go over what to expect and our 20 questions.

Step 2:

we will put together a basic fitting holiday for you with a price indication. Within 48 hours
after the call.

Step 3:

you can decide to book with us or maybe you would prefer one of our other services.

Step 4:

once booked you will receive a larger question form where we can create the best fitting
holiday possible.

Step 5:

in a call with your guide the planned holiday will be spoken trough from a to z and in case
you would like to change something these changes will be made and send to you to approved.

Step 6:

once approved we will get to work and book and plan your whole holiday and you can relax
and enjoy.

Step 7:

call after everything is booked and ready to go for any questions.

Step 8:

call before the holiday with your travel guide to speak trough the last points.

Step 9:

the holiday

Step 10:

an after holiday call with your guide as a review and a to be sure everything was according
to wish.

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